Welcome to RobStandridge.com!
I am so incredibly honored to serve all the great citizens of Oklahoma Senate District 15, and now I am very excited to bring you my first book, 2084 – TRUMP AND THE BILL OF FREEDOMS.
2084 is a speculative fiction of the near future, where our heroes encounter a dystopian world, that, for the longest time, they do not realize they are living in. Does this sound familiar?
The book is finished and should be published soon! And, my second book is getting close to completion as well, The Meth Cartel.
I cannot thank those that have supported me and helped me in this new venture enough. And for those that have read all or part of my first book over the last six months, and have asked me if some of the characters in the book are modeled after those I have served with – the answer is yes. I will leave it to you to discover the similarities, and other hidden real world gems. I say real world, but 2084 is the real world, and it is not as far off as some may think.
Regardless of what so-called “conservatives”, aka RINOs, (Don’t believe their mailers – trust but verify) say, I have watched politicians grow government for the last eleven years, creating new government programs while growing existing ones. It is not always easy to be the one or few that vote against government expansion and new taxes, but I am proud to do so. As government grows and big business along with it, through corporate welfare and other favors, the everyday hardworking citizen is forgotten and the American Dream continues to get further out of reach. I say this to encourage more everyday common sense citizens to run for office, you are needed.
I do hope to produce more political books, in the vein of Smashing the DC Monopoly, that I created with my good friends Dr. Tom Coburn and Larry Floyd. I have toyed with a few ideas in this arena, and material is not hard to find, as so many even at the state level think they are above others and just as powerful as Frank Underwood.
Thank you again for coming by, and I look forward to hearing from you on 2084, and soon after on The Meth Cartel.
God bless!
Senator Rob Standridge, D.Ph., JD