In September, I requested an interim study on innovation within our educational systems in Oklahoma. There are a lot of good things happening for our students. LeMonde International School in Norman is one of them. They are a Spanish/French language immersion school whose approach to education is outside the box. This is their first year and they have an enrollment of 132 students.
1.90% of Instruction in Grades K-2 in chosen language
2.Application for International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program
3.All Students with educational plan based on learning styles
4.Grading Practices & Restorative Justice
*Failure is okay!
*Administrative Support
*Think differently about our work
*Reappraising those old habits
*Ability to Measure
*Strategic professional development
This evening they are celebrating a ribbon cutting at 6 p.m. at 1123 E. Main St. Come see an innovative approach to education.
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