OKLAHOMA CITY – Sen. Rob Standridge, R-Norman, released the following statement Thursday regarding the special session.

“This week I was very disappointed, but not surprised that the Oklahoma State Senate met in special session, with billions of dollars hoarded away for tomorrow’s politicians’ newest pet projects, for not even a full day, only to say the financial challenges of millions of hard-working Oklahomans is not worth our time.

“I have been serving in the Oklahoma Senate for eleven years, and it is amazing to me how much the Senate, and the legislature in general, has changed. When I came in, we told citizens we would decrease the size of government and lower taxes, and we did that for over half my time in service. But, over the last few years we have steadily grown government, spending like drunken sailors on every new program that comes along, while giving no significant relief to the hard-working Oklahomans who voted us in office to help them keep more of their money. It is their money after all.

“It has been mentioned that there is not enough time in special session to give taxpayers a financial break, but over the last year I have seen us extend special sessions for months until leadership got the vote they wanted on tribal compact policy, have watched leadership hastily throw together one billion dollar deal after another trying to bribe foreign woke companies, like Panasonic, to come to Oklahoma, using hard-earned taxpayer dollars to do so, and saw leadership spend over a hundred million dollars in additional funds for higher education, seemingly a financial reward for their non-stop efforts to discriminate based on race and indoctrinate young college students into their leftist ideology.

“What was done this week, simply, was a slap in the face to hard working Oklahomans, telling them that their financial stability during this extremely unstable time with skyrocketing inflation, out of control interest rates, and a federal government arming the IRS and raising taxes, was just not worth the time.

“I ran for office to decrease the size of government, lower taxes, stand up for parents’ rights, and protect Oklahoma’s children from attacks from every direction, much of it paid for by the very parents who are very upset by it. I have always and remain committed to these conservative ideals and leading through the convictions of my faith, and this week, as has the last few sessions, robbed me of that opportunity.

“I would encourage Oklahoma voters to remember what your legislators promised you when they ran for office, hold them accountable, and in any future election cast your vote for those candidates that are truly conservative and led by their principles and faith. Oklahoma desperately needs leaders that are willing to stand strong and put their constituents above their own political aspirations.”

-END-For more information, contact: Sen. Rob Standridge at 405-521-5535 or email Rob.Standridge@oksenate.gov

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