The Oklahoma Senate

Monday, March 24

The Senate met Monday, but took no action on bills.

Senate committees approved several measures Monday, including the following.

-HB 1378 by Rep. Emily Virgin, amends the Dustin Rhodes and Lindsay Steed CPR Training Act.

-HB 3399 by Rep.  Jeff Hickman, removes all references to PASS standards and replaces them with subject matter standards.

-HB 3293 by Rep. Leslie Osborn, creates the State Employee Pay Program.

-HB 3294 by Rep. Leslie Osborn, renames the Oklahoma Personnel Act the Oklahoma Career Service Act.

-HB 2367 by Rep. John Trebilcock, increases the monthly travel allowance county commissioners and sheriffs may receive.

-HB 2685 by Rep. Randy Grau, prohibits an abortion from being performed without voluntary and informed consent.

The House took up no bills Monday.

House committees approved several measures Monday, including the following.

-SB 1224 by Sen. Ron Justice, exempts from sales tax commercially raised animals of the family cervidae.

-SB 1624 by Sen. Frank Simpson, modifies language relating to vehicle registration fees for veterans.

-SB 1430 by Sen. Mike Schulz, creates the Drought Proof Communities Act of 2014.

-SB 1979 by Sen. Sean Burrage, modifies language relating to the J.M. Davis Memorial Commission Revolving Fund.

-SB 1940 by Sen. Dan Newberry, modifies date references in the Uniform Consumer Credit Code.

-SB 1464 by Sen. Gary Stanislawski, grants career teachers priority for retention or reassignment under the Teacher Due Process Act.

-SB 1655 by Sen. John Ford, eliminates the requirement for a school district grade under the A-F grading system.

Tuesday, March 25

The Senate considered no legislation Tuesday.

Senate committees approved several measures Tuesday including the following.

-HB 2536 by Rep. Jason Nelson, permits a parent, guardian or legal custodian to temporarily transfer custody of their child.

-HB 2509 by Rep. Earl Sears, extends the sunset date of the tuition reimbursement credit regarding the aerospace industry.

-HB 2249 by Rep. Jason Nelson, amends language related to divorce.

-HB 2338 by Rep. Larry Glenn, exempts from liability any individual, business, school or church that renders emergency care, aid, shelter or other assistance during a natural disaster or catastrophic event.

-HB 3133 by Rep. Mike Jackson, creates the Municipal Roads and Bridges Revolving Fund.

The House approved the following measures Tuesday.

-SB 72 by Sen. Mark Allen, modifies prohibited acts against a police dog or a police horse.

-SCR 32 by Sen. Jerry Ellis, memorializes the U.S. Congress to direct the United States Geological Survey to undertake a multi-state study of the Red River and its watershed basin located within the four states of Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana.

House committees passed several measures Tuesday including the following.

-SB 1421 by Sen. Kyle Loveless, prohibits a person required to register under the Oklahoma Sex Offenders Registration Act from petitioning for a change of name.

-SB 1706 by Sen. Rob Standridge, allows for a reduction in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families benefits for individuals who use their electronic cards at any liquor store, casino or retail establishment that provides nude adult-oriented entertainment.

-SB 1159 by Sen. Patrick Anderson, creates the Bill of Rights Monument Display Act.


Wednesday, March 26

The Senate met Wednesday, approving the following bill.

-HB 2566 by Rep. Dale DeWitt, modifies sections of the Oklahoma Agricultural Commodity Referendum Act.

Senate committees approved several measures next week including the following.

-HB 2334 by Rep. Scott Biggs, clarifies statutory language related to the definition of child abuse.

-HB 2877 by Rep. Steven Vaughan, amends per month expense requirements relating to the Department of Public Safety.

-HB 2589 by Rep. Pat Ownbey, adds substances to the list applying to the Trafficking in Illegal Drugs Act.

-HB 2589 by Rep. Ben Sherrer, removes the word pilot in references to mental health courts.

The House met Wednesday, approving the following bill.

-SB 2122 by Sen. Anthony Sykes, merges, consolidates, amends and repeals duplicative sections of law.

House committees approved a number of bills Wednesday including the following.

-SB 1023 by Sen. Dan Newberry, establishes that the Legislature occupies and preempts the entire field of legislation touching in any way mandated minimum wage.

-SB 1310 by Sen. Eddie Fields, creates a task force to review curricular standards approved by the State Board of Education.

-SB 1284 by Sen. Nathan Dahm, allows the use of an expired Oklahoma driver license or an expired United States passport as a means of identity when proving voting eligibility.

-SB 1915 by Sen. Ron Justice, creates the Safe Home Food Manufacturing Act.

-SB 1729 by Sen. David Holt, removes carbon monoxide chambers from the list of specified euthanasia methods.

-SB 1668 by Sen. Dan Newberry, modifies the Roofing Contractor Registration Act.

-SB 1341 by Sen. Mike Mazzei, modifies the sunset date on tax credits for investment in qualified depreciable property in a manufacturing operation.

-SB 1151 by Sen. Mike Mazzei, modifies the sunset date for tax credits relating to Oklahoma film and music projects.

-SB 1227 by Sen. Mike Mazzei, extends the date of the aerospace tax credit for tuition reimbursed to qualified employees.

-SB 1364 by Sen. A.J. Griffin, modifies the definition of a park.

-SB 1444 by Sen. David Holt, requires local law enforcement agencies to photograph those subject to the Sex Offender Registration Act when they submit their address verification form.

-SB 1542 by Sen. Brian Crain, states provisions of the Sex Offenders Registration Act will apply to any person if the offense involved trafficking for commercial sex.

-SB 1820 by Sen. A.J. Griffin, modifies language related to the Anti-Drug Diversion Act and the central repository.

Thursday, March 27

The Senate met Thursday, approving the following bills.

-HB 2711 by Rep. Skye McNiel, enacts the Oklahoma Quality Events Incentive Technical Amendments Act of 2014.

-HB 2580 by Rep. Todd Thomsen, modifies the termination date relating to the Compete with Canada Film Act.








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