OKLAHOMA CITY – On Thursday, Senate Bill 1994, authored by Sen. Rob Standridge, R-Norman, was passed by the Senate. The measure seeks to strengthen laws against squatting.

“In my district over the last year we have seen a home owner arrive home only to find a stranger in their shower, unwilling to leave until they finished using the home owner’s home, vagrants camping and defecating in front of businesses and even attacking patrons and employees with deadly force, and citizens camping on property without permission stating with full confidence that they would not leave until someone could prove the property was not theirs,” Standridge said.

“These and many similar stories are happening right now, so I am proud to have authored and passed SB1994 which will take the side of the property owner and make it criminal to occupy another person’s property without the proper authority or permission.

“A citizen should not have to worry about having to prove to a squatter that they own their home or property or have to vacate their home for a squatter because the laws were not strong enough to compel public safety to immediately remove the squatter.

“Some might think with constitutional carry and our ‘make my day’ laws that citizens could take force into their own hands, but most citizens would prefer not to have to shoot an unarmed vagrant that is camping or squatting in or on their property. We simply need laws so that squatters are not able to take advantage of weak laws or cities that enable their squatting, so I am hopeful that the governor will sign SB1994 so that property owners feel confident that if someone is trying to squat on or in their property the situation can be remedied in very short order.”

Rep. Ross Ford, R-Broken arrow, carried the measure in the House.

“This bill gives county sheriff’s much-needed direction for helping property owners remove people illegally squatting on their land or in their homes,” Ford said. “The situation is worsened by the number of people coming illegally into our country from our southern border, and the Biden Administration’s inaction. I’m thankful for Senator Standridge authoring this important legislation and look forward to the governor signing it into law.”

SB 1994 now heads to the governor’s desk.


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